Welcome, my name is Priyanka and I’m an earth based healer, ceremonialist & permaculture designer. My work lies in deep connection and co-creation with the elements of the earth, plants, animals, and cosmos. I work closely with facilitating healing spaces to help create space for folks to move through their healing process. This process creates a natural flow of transmutation to help with energetic release and renewal.

My work is one of an engineer, visionary architect, and designer. I walk my path of bridging the worlds of ceremony and permaculture, closely steward spaces of community integration & connection with mother earth.

I have B.S in Mechanical Engineering and have continued my education by attaining my 300 hour (3 month) hands on permaculture certification from Terry Meer. I have been stewarding medicine space for the last 4 years working with elders in South America as well as healers in North America.


For any inquiries for ceremony, or guidance please send me a message through the form below.