Ceremonial containers of prayer are spaces of unity, connection, and deep meaning. For as long as humans have walked on this earth, we have gathered for ceremony and prayer. This ancient way of communing with the earth and one another creates space of massive healing and transmutation.

In 2018 I started walking my path of awareness, I felt the importance of ceremonial space and connection and started holding healing circles out of my college apartment. After I graduated college in 2019, I was led into the Peruvian Amazon where I underwent a process of inner healing and transformation in plant ceremonies. From this space of openness my life and walk fully recalibrated to be in service to the earth and the sacred. I began to work closely with learning and assisting in ceremonial space in the states. I have helped serve hundreds of participants over the course of many group ceremonies for over 1.5 years. From here I began to see folks in 1-1 and small group containers. I continue to work with medicines in the Amazon through master plant dietas to continue to purify my being. I continue to pray, receive, and hold my altar in integrity with the teachings and frequency of creator and mother earth. I believe ceremonial space is the curation of a safe and sacred container in which an individual is able to go through their own transformative process. There is beauty and light within you and your connection to creator that allows for this transformation to occur. As a ceremonialist, I am a conduit of creating safety and reflecting your inner light and connection back to you.

Remembrance + Service

Ceremony is a sacred container of connection to the earth and the sacred. divine. As a ceremonialist each container I create and hold is a field of healing, transmutation and prayer. Integrity, authenticity, reciprocity, and giving more than I take are foundational pillars of my altar. Equality and reminding every single being that steps foot into ceremony that we are equal and are co-creating the space for safe communion with the medicines is of utmost importance to me. Each medicine is a vehicle of massive transformation to expanded consciousness and awareness. The sacraments I carry are from an embodied place of upholding safety and gentleness at the forefront of my practice. Holding each prayer with protection from my relationship to all light from the realms of Great Spirit and Mother Earth.


Connect with me for Ceremony

I am based between Florida, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. If you are looking for one on one ceremonial space or wanting to bring me in to facilitate ceremony for your community. Please send me an inquiry using the form below. Looking forward to hearing from you and being of service.