Private 1-1 Medicine Ceremony with

The Ceremony Container

Receiving a trifecta of earth sacraments is a powerful way to heal, reset, recalibrate, and step forth into a brand new timeline and version of self. Ceremony starts off with a heart to heart talk to discuss all intentions and facets of life that are alive for you. We then move into working with plant smudge to open and clear the space. Ceremony opens with prayer to call on the protection of creator, the medicines, mother nature and spiritual allies. Prayers calibrated to invoke and directly petition for your prayers and desires to be heard and moved through within ceremony. We then move into working with the medicine of Hapé, allowing for tobacco to instill protection and ease any nerves before working with Kambo. The portals for Kambo are opened next followed by drinking 1.5 -2 lilters of water. The Kambo is then applied gently, pacing 1 point at a time about 2 minutes apart from one another to ensure the medicine is introduced slowly and gently with ease and regulation. The process of Kambo lasts between 15-30 minutes. After the last purge there is a mandatory 30-45 minute rest time to fully integrate back and rest. Ceremony is closed with Sananga eyedrops and a closing medicine song to bring light to the recalibrated body. We then speak of your experience and share some fruit/ coconut water and you are safe to drive home afterwards. It is recommended you have the remainder of the day to rest and integrate, take it easy and replenish in a renewed state of body, mind and spirit.

About the Medicines


Phyllomedusa Bicolor, otherwise known as “Kambo” is the waxy secretion on the skin of a tree frog that lives in northwestern parts of the Amazon jungle and is used traditionally by the indigenous tribes of Colombia, Brazil, and Peru as a medicine and spiritual aide. Kambo pulls stored toxins out of various organ systems and purges them out of the body. This process detoxifies one energetically and spiritually. Kambo’s secretions, while used as a defense mechanism, and deadly to most animals, provides many health benefits for humans.


Kambo's secretions provide many health benefits for humans. Some say this purgative, immunity-boosting medicine is a miracle cure.
Kambo may be a potent aide for a variety of different ailments such as:

  • Depression

  • Migraines

  • Blood circulation problems

  • Autoimmune conditions

  • Inflammatory conditions

  • Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease

  • Vascular insufficiency

  • Organ diseases

  • Cancer

  • Fertility problems

  • Deeply rooted toxins

  • Chronic pain/Arthritis

  • Addiction to opiate or prescription painkillers. (Kambo reduces physical pain, thus helping people kick their addiction to other painkillers).

  • Fever and infections

  • Emotional trauma

  • Negative energies (traditionally known as "panema")


Quick small burn mark openings on the skin referred to as “gates” are made. Next, 1.5-2.5 liters of room temperature water is consumed. This assists the process in order to flush the whole lymphatic system and organs. As the medicine is administered into the gates, it enters the lymphatic system. For new participants, one point of medicine is administered first to introduce the medicine into the system and to gauge the participant’s reaction. After a few minutes, more may be applied to the rest of the gates. For all participants new and recurring, the gentle approach of layering the medicine and applying one point at a time is upheld.

Some of the initial onsets of kambo can be increase in heart rate and perspiration. Some may experience swelling of the face which wears off post ceremony. After a few minutes of sitting with the medicine, the body will begin purging the water and expelling blockages and toxins that may be stored energetically and physically down to the organs such as liver and even down to the cellular level. The purging process lasts about 15-20 minutes, then the medicine is removed to allow integration for the participant.



Hapé is a sacred snuff from the amazon rainforest that helps to align the body, mind and spirit. The medicine is made by hand by members indigenous tribes from the Amazon. The process of making is medicine is a delicate process of pulverizing sacred tobacco leaves and the ashes of a certain medicinal plants and trees. This process is a deep prayer, from harvesting the leaves and bark to the very intensive process of pulverizing the medicine. The prayers of this process are imbued into this precious snuff and carried onwards through receiving the medicine.


The medicine of Hapé is very healing as it is worked with to connect with mother nature, creator, the elements, and the plant and animal kingdoms. This medicine has the ability to clear the mind, purify the thoughts, and clear energy that is not serving from the body, mind, and spirit.

The medicine carries the following properties:

-opens the third eye energetic center

-cleanses the sinuses and respiratory tract

-brings energetic protection and strength from the plants and prayers

-brings grounding, alignment and connection to the earth


This sacred snuff is administered through a Tepi into each nostril. When the medicine enters the field it helps to bring grounding, centering and alignment. It may also bring upon purging in the form of tears/ spitting. There will be buckets and napkins provided, and a restroom nearby to ensure comfort and safety.



Sananga is a traditional Amazonian eye drop medicine derived from the roots of the Tabernaemontana sanango shrub.It is known for its use among indigenous tribes in the rainforests of Brazil & Peru.


Sananga is believed to possess a range of physical, energetic, and spiritual capabilities. Physically, it supports the enhancement of visual acuity, alleviate eye conditions, while promoting overall ocular health. Energetically, Sananga is thought to cleanse, align & protect the energy centers of the body, fostering a sense of balance and vitality.  Spiritually, the medicine is employed in traditional shamanic practices to facilitate introspection, purify the mind, & enhance one's connection to the spiritual realm. Users often describe a profound and transformative experience, with the potential for increased awareness, insight, & spiritual growth. While its effects can vary among individuals, Sananga is generally revered for its holistic approach to well-being, addressing physical, energetic, and spiritual dimensions.


One drop of Sananga is placed in the corner of each eye with each eye being closed. You will blink your eyes and bring the medicine into your eyes at your own pace. I will help wipe any tears that come down from your eyes and fan you while singing a closing song for ceremony over you to seal the prayer.


I’ve had the honor to serve hundreds of people in ceremony. Below are heartfelt messages received from some folks.

Medicine Markings

The Kambo points are sealed with dragons blood which is a sap from the dragons tree in the amazon. The dragons blood acts as a natural liquid latex and keeps the area sealed and clean. Below are some images of folks i’ve seen post ceremony with their markings.